Hypermobile Athletes:
Dance, Gymnastics, Swimmers, Pitchers, or any hypermobile athlete
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Dance Medicine
Dr. Alissa Zingman, MD danced professionally, having performed the works of Pilobolus, Moses Pendleton, Jose Limon, and Paul Taylor among many others. She was a Pilates instructor prior to starting medical school and during medical school taught dance technique and choreography classes to students at Johns Hopkins. Dr. Zingman spent a year at the Harkness Center for Dance Injuries studying dance injuries, and presented her dance injury research at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics lab. Read more about Dr. Zingman here.
Patrick Furie, MAT Specialist has worked with dancers and professional athletes for over five years and works on restoring muscle firing patterns necessary to create the lines and weightlessness required in dance and gymnastics. He does jiu jitsu and is ex-special forces.
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