
Organize. Stablize. Mobilize.

Siloed approach fails at diagnosis also fails at treatment, because...

HEDS/HSD, MCAS, and Dysautonomia are interrelated

The PRISM Physiolign™ Program

A systematic approach to treating, managing, and thriving with the hEDS/HSD, Dysautonomia, MCAS Triad and more.


  • Skeletal, Muscular (MAT)

  • Neuro / Cards, Inflammation


  • Isometrics (MAT/PT/ATC)

  • Neurologic Retraining

  • Breathing, Talking, Bracing, Sitting

  • Regen Med


  • Movement Initiation, Biomechanics

  • Start with Gait Mechanics (supine)

  • Sit-Stand, Shoulders, Hips, Trunk Rotation

  • Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Pilates (Polestar/Kane)

Get to know the creator of the Physiolign Program: Dr. Alissa Zingman

What lead to the opening of the clinic

A force for healing