Integrative Dance Program
Specialized Sports Medicine

About the program

PRISM's groundbreaking dance program expertly blends medical evaluation, rehabilitation, nutritional assessment, and holistic care to meet the diverse needs of dancers. With a strong emphasis on both preventative measures and effective injury treatment, this comprehensive approach fosters not only recovery but also overall wellness, empowering dancers to reach their performance goals.

Part of the exclusive program designed by P.R.I.S.M. founder, Dr. Alissa Zingman MD MPH. Physiolign (TM) combines the Balanchine technique, Dance Kinesiology, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and Alexander Technique with Medical Education including at NYU Harkness Center for Dance, Orthopaedic Residency training, Johns Hopkins Injury Prevention and Public Health program development training and more.

Our program takes you deeper into biomechanics, muscle recruitment and firing patterns than ever before. Find efficiency of movement that becomes as natural as blinking. Learn to stabilize your support structure and elongate to achieve freedom of motion, extension, speed, power, endurance, balance and grace. Every session is personalized based on our patented assessment and technique guide.

Discover freedom and elevate well-being and performance with precision care!

Meet the Team

Program director

Dr. Alana Wright MD, MBS, CAQSM (On the Right)

Dr. Wright is a board-certified sports medicine physician with a passion for female athlete health. She combines excellence and expertise, including IADMS education, with kindness and compassion. Beyond traditional injury diagnosis, she provides:
  • Injury prevention assessment
  • Personalized nutrition and bone health assessment
  • Advanced ultrasound evaluation
  • Cutting-edge Regenerative Medicine techniques including Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma

Program Coordinator

Niara Foreman M.S., ATC, NASM CPT (On the left)

Niara is a highly skilled Athletic Trainer, dancer, and Pilates teacher dedicated to pain-free, confident movement. She studied Dance Kinesiology and Physiolign with Dr. Zingman. Niara provides:

  • Unparalleled biomechanics analysis
  • Technique and performance assessment from the barre to the stage
  • Corrective exercise plan to address imbalances and inefficiencies of movement for every style of dance
  • Lifelong skills to maximize health, performance, and joy


Unlock your potential with our full suite of services offered by our expert team! Together with Dr. Wright and Niara, P.R.I.S.M.’s integrative multi-disciplinary team offers an unmatched set of synergistic resources:

  • Comprehensive Musculoskeletal Evaluation including orthopedic, neurologic, osteopathic, pelvic floor, diaphragm, respiratory, connective tissue, pain management, and integrative medicine exams
  • Technique and Kinesiology Assessment and root cause treatment plan focused on your goals and lifestyle
  • Endocrine and Mind-Body assessment for bone health, sleep, stress, and more; with our integrative providers serving a key role using EBM care ranging from vagal nerve stimulation to pranayama breathwork
  • Personalized treatment and training program for injury prevention, performance, or recovery
  • Physiolign Reformer Lessons
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen, Infrared Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, and more to enhance performance and recovery
  • Muscle Activation, Myofascial Techniques, CranioSacral therapy, Abhiyanga massage, Pelvic floor PT, and more!